Let’s Habit Stack
Hi All!
Let’s explore an element that shapes our lives in every single aspect: Habits.
Think of habits as our behind-the-scenes helpers. They subtly shape our daily lives, making things we do often easier over time. Just like learning to ride a bike, at first, it may feel hard, but as we practice, it becomes second nature. This is because our brain creates shortcuts for actions we do regularly. Habits automate these routine tasks, freeing up our minds to tackle more complicated issues. They're like a trusty friend who's always there, especially when things get tough, keeping us on track. WE ALWAYS FALL BACK ON OUR HABITS.
I want to introduce you to something that can change your life, as it did mine. The concept of habit stacking, coined by James Clear in his best-selling book "Atomic Habits," takes habits a step further. Habit stacking involves integrating a new habit into an existing one, creating a chain of behaviors that become automatic over time.
For instance, if you have a habit of drinking morning coffee, you could stack a new habit of meditating for five minutes while your coffee brews. Over time, the smell of coffee becomes a cue for your meditation. This same approach can be applied in a business context. You might choose to review your KPIs immediately after your daily team meeting.
Building habits requires patience, persistence, and self-compassion when we inevitably falter. It's a journey, not a destination. Every time you stick to your new habit, you're one step closer to making it a part of who you are.
Here are some key takeaways from James Clear’s method:
Habit Stacking:
Habit stacking links a new habit with an established one, helping it become automatic.
The new habit should naturally follow the existing habit for the most seamless integration.
Reward Process:
Rewards reinforce behavior, increasing the likelihood of a habit's recurrence.
Immediate rewards, like tracking progress visually, are more effective than delayed rewards.
Rewards should align with your identity and the habit you're trying to establish. (Example: You are building the habit of working out for 20 minutes every morning. Reward yourself with new workout shoes after 2 consistent weeks of workouts).
In conclusion, habits and habit stacking are secret weapons to personal and professional life achievements. They lend consistency and resilience to our daily routine, keeping us on track even when the going gets tough. WE ALWAYS FALL BACK ON OUR HABITS. Let's embrace the power of habits and pave our way to success!